Sunday, August 25, 2019

Health care marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Health care marketing - Essay Example Besides, positioning pricing strategy seeks to maximize the current revenues for health care institutions with no regard to profit margins. Pricing in health care institutions should be a passive part so that the health care services can be affordable to everybody. Products and solutions have different positioning strategies, which they use to cut a niche in the market. For products, they should use the competitive pricing strategy to set a good customer base in the market. This strategy should aim at exceeding the competitors’ strength in the market. This can be achieved through focusing on quality advantage and product differentiation. Quite the reverse, services industry should take a different strategy, which aims at improving the quality of services offered by the service provider. Such services uses simultaneous competition that seeks to increase advertising for their services, introducing new services, providing rebates and incentives to clients and offering special service promotions for their services. This move will help increase productivity on their services that will result in lower cost and high quality

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