Thursday, February 6, 2020

Compare and Contrast the Fundamental Differences Between the Research Paper

Compare and Contrast the Fundamental Differences Between the Ideologies of Liberalism and Conservatism - Research Paper Example â€Å"congress shall make law†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The concept of classic liberalism has gone through several changes overtime in the past century. These changes are known as revolution of 1930s and the revolution of the 1960s. In the revolution of 1930s, which is also termed as FDR revolution, the main idea of liberalism was shown by assuming that the true meaning of right cannot be seen until and unless the rights were exercised. It was discussed by Franklin Roosevelt as individuals with no accessibility to the necessities of life are not considered as free souls. He was of the belief that in order to provide the individuals of the state liberty in true sense, the state should work for them to eliminate deprivation, lack of job opportunities, uncertain sickness and poverty of old people. So, the 1930s revolution of liberalism created a new horizon of freedom by making the government responsible for the role to play rather than the others as considered by the founders of America. During the period of 1960s, the second revolution of liberalism began and made several changes to the society. The main concept of this revolution was liberation and it was developed by Jean Jacques Rousseau. Prior to the sixties, many Americans were of the view for a universal moral order, which was external for individuals and that made demand for them. The role of the individual was to adjust according to those moral orders. The generation of previous time up till the generation of world war two took all these moral order and its commands for granted that included to work hard in order to make your future better, be good to your better half, fight for your country and many others. Since the starting of the 1960s, there were many movements took place such as antiwar movement, feminist movement, gay activist movement and others that encounters those moral orders badly by reporting them as oppressive and restricted (Myers 127). These movements started working for some other set of

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