Wednesday, September 11, 2019

International human resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International human resources - Essay Example patriate managers are given the responsibility of synchronizing different cultures while managing human resource for a multi-national corporation in a foreign country. The culture and business environment of a multi-national corporations vary with regions and countries. ‘International human resource management’ deals with the HRM activities of a multi-national corporation. It assists the expatriate HR managers of multi-national corporations to understand the organizational culture of the MNC and the local culture of that particular country. The functions and responsibilities of domestic human resource management and international human resource management are different in many aspects. The latter requires greater responsibility as it necessitates greater level of coordination, risk, involvement in personal lives of employees. This paper will attempt to analyze the human resource of Ford Motor Company of United States of America (USA). In the next section, the cultural context of USA MNC and the local culture will be discussed and the challenges faced by the expatriate managers will be analyzed. The overall findings will be concluded and some essential recommendations will be provided to overcome those challenges. The core functions of the human resources management are similar irrespective of countries and organizations. However, the difference in cultures poses certain hindrances for the expatriate managers. Differences existing between Asia Pacific, Middle East and USA are difficult to assimilate. The culture of USA is an immigrant one, along with the Native Americans many immigrants from different countries have been residing in USA. Greet Hofstede has identified six dimensions of the cultures that vary from country to country. These dimensions are â€Å"power distance index (PDI), individualism (IDV), uncertainty avoidance index (UAI), masculinity (MAS) and long-term orientation (LTO)† (Falkenreck, 2009, p.59). Figure 1 depicts the ‘Greet Hofstede

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