Thursday, September 12, 2019

Writing a event vividly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Writing a event vividly - Essay Example Even with my nervousness, the girl noticed me and came closer, from her marvelous smile, and the first word from her gave me the courage to speak to her. Through the first conversation I could feel love feelings oozing out of my heart, as I conversed with her, Emma, as she told me her name was, was the girl I had been searching for, she was definitely the my destiny and the love of my life. Reading my story, one might think that I am too sentimental as a man, in my mind I now believed that love existed. From that supermarket moment, I laid siege to Emma, I did everything possible to win her heart over, I turned into this romantic guy I never thought I could be. Almost all my activities towards her were romantic, in most cases I found myself thinking about her and how our next date would be. After some time, my tremulous attention, and my unending pursuit made Emma say â€Å"yes† to my proposal of having a relationship with me. Emma and I were soon dating; obviously, we were in love, and no doubt that the relationship was the beginning of the happiest time of my life. At least, I thought that for I was flying high, the voice deep down kept telling me â€Å"you the luckiest man alive.† Every day I was planning something new and interesting to make Emma happy. Every minute I spent away from her seemed like a lifetime, the time I spent with her was the best moments of my life. We even had our places in parks, cinemas, cafes and just in the streets, we enjoyed each other’s time, to some extent, my future was clear Approximately, seven months into our romantic relationship, Emma told me that there was no future for us; apparently, her parents did not see me as a good life partner for their daughter. The case was that Emma’s family was against miscegenation; they were white Americans and did not want representatives of other nations or races to enter into their family. Moreover, there was a good marriage candidate for Emma, a son of her

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