Friday, October 18, 2019

Analyzing an Ad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analyzing an Ad - Essay Example In the life of a human being in today’s world the advertisements implant different ideas in our minds from childhood to adulthood with some having devastating results. These ideas influence our perceptions towards life with a majority of the ideas resulting in fuzzy perceptions. Some advertising works of today portray ideas that stimulate the imagination of the audience to capture their attention and drive the message home. This essay seeks to show how the people behind the adverts incorporate this technique to sway the market consumers into purchasing their products. The Oreo advert manipulates the audience into thinking that their products improve family bonding by portraying scenes involving good family relations because of the use of the product. This idea is the basis of many ideas in various prints and TV ads like the Oreo Bedtime advert  ("Oreo: Bedtime | Ads of the Worldâ„ ¢"). Advert description The advert tells the story of a small girl and the feeling she gets from eating an Oreo cookie, which the advert describes as â€Å"wonderfilled†. It uses images and text to spread its message of a young girl who would like to spend time with her father over an Oreo cookie so that they can bond and maybe talk to her grandma  ("Oreo: Bedtime | Ads of the Worldâ„ ¢"). ... reo cookie as a tasty product fit for the kids that improve family ties and bonding while stimulating the creativity of the children  ("Oreo: Bedtime | Ads of the Worldâ„ ¢"). Implied messages Family Other than the cookie itself, the advert tries to sell other messages to the audiences, which support the marketing of the cookie. The first message that the advert implies is family. The advert starts with the girl asking â€Å"what if she had shared an Oreo cookie with her father, would he have sent her to bed?† she concludes they would still be up â€Å"telling jokes and watching monster movies†   ("Oreo: Bedtime | Ads of the Worldâ„ ¢"). They would sing and play while eating more cookies. This tries to bring out the importance of family in every setting. Although the little girl has gone to bed, she still feels the need to stay up with her father and do fun things. This shows that Oreo cookies promote bonding among family members and keeps the fun going beyond the bedtime hours. This gains further support as the girl continues to say they would play and call â€Å"grandma† after eating the cookies. This portrays the importance of keeping in touch with all family members and not just those who live around you. It also shows that Oreo encourages good relations with family as the little girl remembers to call her grandma after sharing cookies with her dad  ("Oreo: Bedtime | Ads of the Worldâ„ ¢"). Importance of play In the advert, one of the key arguments portrayed is play. In the larger portion of the advert, the little girl is playing various games. She starts by jumping on the bed, before playing with dolls and drawing before she finally goes to sleep  ("Oreo: Bedtime | Ads of the Worldâ„ ¢"). All this comes after she â€Å"twists, dunks† and eats the Oreo cookie. This shows

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