Sunday, October 6, 2019

Premium Travel on the Way to Becoming a Better Serving Travel Agency Essay - 1

Premium Travel on the Way to Becoming a Better Serving Travel Agency - Essay Example Travel is an activity of leisure and Premium travel operates in this scenario. As such, provides similar services are also likely to face the problems associated with the current market. However, one of the advantages that some travel business enjoy today is the facility to book online. The cost of getting a website developed is quite simple today. As the company utilizes the services of part-time students, it is advised to hire another student proficient in web development as standard times required to develop such websites can take as little as a month to develop and deploy for customer use. Additionally, figures obtained for the years between 2002 and 2006 have shown that apart from the countries in the EU and the US, a large number of travelers preferred other destinations in Asia and Africa, with the largest among them preferring India, Egypt, and Turkey.  However, the good news is that even during times of recession, statistics from the Department of Statistics in the UK gove rnment show that the amount of spending on travel has remained relatively unhindered. This is partly because the willingness to travel among customers is not diminished to ground levels and customers instead prefer to go on shorter holidays. the added pressures that are part of the today’s corporate world do not provide young people with a lot of time to consider holidays. as such, offering shorter deals for durations between 1 to 2 weeks is also advised.  Additionally, the number of travelers going abroad on trips for the duration between 1 to 2 weeks is nearly half the trips of duration in the range of 3-4 weeks. As such, it presents a wonderful opportunity for Premium travel to consider the shorter segment as a wonderful opportunity to expand a business, which will help further in weathering the crisis.

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