Saturday, October 19, 2019

Multiculturalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Multiculturalism - Essay Example Different races in the world are facing the problem of discrimination and multiculturalism is an aspect which allows different states to accept the ethnic culture of different people. Because of different cultures existing in the world, people belonging to one specific ethnicity prefer people of their own ethnicity over the other ethnic groups. This cartoon however shows that the gap between the ethnicity, class and races is about to finish which is not true. The races and genders still face discrimination when it comes to individuals of some other gender or race. An example here can be cited of the blacks who are presently living in the United States. These blacks are still widely symbolized as gangsters and burglars by the whites and because of such a stereotype these blacks are not able to progress in the United States as they would have otherwise. Similarly another example of the Natives can also be seen here as these people are also discriminated by the whites in America. Class which is another important factor of discrimination is also discussed in this cartoon. Different classes of people exist in this world and these classes can either be related to money, societal power or societal limitations by these classes. The classes which exist in the world today differentiate people on the basis of their class and because of this individuals of one class cannot settle with the other. An example can be cited here of the people belonging to upper class of the society. These people tend to ignore or thrash the individuals who are of a lower class or lower income group. The sense of superiority tends to prevail in this type of people and this is the root cause of discrimination amongst these individuals. The gap of multiculturalism can be bridged only if certain factors are kept in mind. These factors include the fact that the races and gender forget that they are superior to each

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