Tuesday, October 15, 2019

METAPHYSICS & EPISTEMOLOGY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

METAPHYSICS & EPISTEMOLOGY - Essay Example Metaphysics explains the exact nature of reality and tries to prove the facts that have already been identified like whether people have souls and what is the essence of these souls to them. Epistemology is the study of the nature of knowledge and what it entails to state the existence of the fact stated. Similarly, it helps the learner to understand how to differentiate whether the fact or object I real or not (Pfister 2007). On the other hand it explains the range and coverage that the learner can cover. This helps the learner to understand the extent of which he can use his ability and available resources to understand in term of how much he can use the reasons and senses to establish the reality. An example of an epistemology study is the decision about the existence of God. Different questions are asked in order to ascertain His existence like can we get to know God better? Can we touch or see Him directly? Is His creation the only way we can know He exists? This branch of psychology mostly relies on the need to establish the statement’s truth, credibility, beliefs and

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